Introduction to the aquariophilie Aquariophilie

One of my passions is the soft water aquariophilie that I practice since about 13 years. I think to be able to bring some counsels to the beginners.

First of all, I say that you must not make an aquarium only to embellish the living room. An aquarium necessitates to consecrate there time (see maintenance) and money. This decision must not be taken to the light. The aquariophilie must be a pleasure and to not become a constraint. Buy all the equipment and necessary products in specifics stores.

I have an aquarium of a total capacity of 200 liters. It measures 1 m long, 50 cm top and 40 cm in deep.

It is made of :
- a exterior water pump (filtrage of water) of which the debit is 540 liters/hour
- 2 heat pipes of 100 Watts each
- an automatic distributeur of the food
- a pump to connected air on the distributeur of food and that serves dry nourritur
- 3 light pipes : 2 of hot color for the cressent of plants and 1 of cold color
- a programming system that automate the progressive lighting of the light pipes, the functioning of the pump to water and pump to air, the distribution of the food, the functioning of the heating, ...

Mon aquarium
My aquarium


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