Water, essential element for the fishes Aquariophilie

As each water faucet - and, consequently, of d'aquarium - present different chemical property. The following values clothe a special importance for the stability of the l'environnement, health fishes and the growth of plants.

Total hardness (TH)
She is determined by the presence in the water of different salts (calcium, Magnesium). Water is said "last" when the salts content is strong, And "soft" in the opposite case. The good functioning organique of the fishes, plants and micro-organisms (for example the skin of the fishes, their branchies etc.) sensitively is affected by the hardness water.

Hardness temporaire (THCa)
What's more salts calcium and of magnesium, our water contains equally bicarbonat. The temporary hardness is the sum of all the salts bicarbonatés of calcium and of magnesium dissolve in water, that play an important role for the l'aquarium: by their action plug, they prevent the decrease from the pH.

Degree of acidity (pH)
The measure of the pH indicate the presence of elements basiques or acids, that Modify the property acids or alcalines of water. The origin of the ladder pH is determined by chemically pure water, in perfect balance Acido-basique, the value of the pH being of 7 (not at all any neutrality). The check pH is essential for the water of the faucet, as the water source, differ according to the places, according to the elements with which these she enters In contact. More water is acid, more the pH is low, and more she is Alcaline, more the pH is raised. All the organisms react very sensitively to a modification of the value of the pH, from which the importance of the bicarbonate which one, by his action plug, limit the variations pH.

The nitrites (NO2)
The excrétions of fishes, the residues of plants and of foods Generate liaisons azotées in the water of the l'aquarium. The nitrites are it one of the steps of the decomposition of the nitrogen that, in strong density in water (more of 0,2 mg a liter), can be very dangerous for The fishes. In the last step of the decomposition, the bacteria nitro-bactères decompose the nitrites in nitrates, comparatively little Dangerous. The nitrates serve between other of substance nutritive to the plant, but, in too high concentration, they are noxious for the fishes and encourage the growth of seaweeds that can become a True fléau. The measure of the rate nitrites show immediately if Something prevents the decomposition from the nitrogen. They have therefore to be Uniformly measured in order to be checked. Watch to a filtrage biologiquement active, for only the endowed aquariums of a system effective filtrage present concentrations inferior or equal nitrites to 0,1 Mg/l. To long term, the nitrite content should not surpass 0,25 mg/l, for a value of 0,5 mg/l already can be dangerous for the fishes Of soft water.

In the stores spécialisés, you will find tests that you will allow To oversee these different chemical property.

Schéma biologique

The balance of the l'aquarium
In the l'aquarium, the végétation is essential. The balance biologique Of your ferry in depends. During the day, the plants furnish of The oxygen in absorbent the carbon dioxides (photosynthèse). The night, the Processes itself inverse. To assure their growth, the plants nourish themselves On one hand originating from nitrates of the decomposition of losses organiques. Furthermore, they contribute to the placement in value of the l'aquarium and offer to the fishes of discreet places to rest, to reproduce itself, put Their eggs under cover or construct a nest bulles.

The conditionnement of water
If the water of the faucet suits usually to the fishes, the used chlore To return drinkable water can irritate their branchies. If your water is strongly chlorée, before each change, leave to rest it in of the Buckets during 2 hours. The chlore, very volatile, will evaporate. It exists equally products that, added to water, surround the branchies of the fishes of a protective film all in neutralisant the chlore

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